Burns Night
Every year on 25 January, Scots around the world gather together for Burns Night - a celebration of the world-famous poet, Robert Burns. Born in 1759 in Alloway, Scotland, Robert 'Rabbie' Burns is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement and is Scotland's national poet. His most well-known [...]
Announcing the winner of the Early Career Researcher Logo Design Competition!
In 2022, we held a competition inviting Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to submit designs that we could print on WCP2023 merchandise. The profits from the sale of these items will go to the WCP2023 ECR Fund, which provides financial support and creates more opportunities for ECRs to attend and [...]
WCP2023 President and Secretary General speak at the Italian Society of Pharmacology’s 41st National Congress
Author: Professor David Webb, WCP2023 President The Italian Society of Pharmacology (Società Italiana Farmacologia (SIF)) held its 41st National Congress in Rome from 16 to 19 November 2022. As President of WCP2023, I was delighted to be invited to speak at the conference, along with Secretary General of WCP2023, [...]
6 reasons to submit an abstract to WCP2023
Submitting an abstract to a scientific meeting like WCP2023 might seem like a daunting task to some, but there are benefits that come with presenting and sharing your research in-person with fellow scientists. Here, we share six reasons why you should consider submitting an abstract for WCP2023. If we [...]
Leaders in hypertension research
Each year, World Hypertension Day aims to raise public awareness of hypertension (also known as high blood pressure) and promote accurate blood pressure measurement methods. According to the World Hypertensions League, who pioneered the day, raised blood pressure is the biggest single contributing risk factor to global health. For [...]
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
In the UK, April is recognised as Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. Also known as colorectal cancer, bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer type in the UK and third most common cancer type worldwide. Almost two million cases were diagnosed across the world in 2020, meaning it is [...]
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- Register your interest for future meetings:
- BPS’s Pharmacology 2024, 10 – 12 December 2024
- ASPECT’s WCP2026, 13 – 18 July 2026