The Inter-dependence of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology From Benchside to Bedside and Back
Professor Michael Spedding,
President, Spedding Research Solutions SAS, France -
Session description:
The Inter-dependence of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology From Benchside to Bedside and Back: Basic Pharmacologist's Perspective
Professor Helen Kwanashie
Professor of Pharmacology, Department of Nursing Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria, NigeriaThe Inter-dependence of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology From Benchside to Bedside and Back: Clinical Pharmacologist's Perspective
Professor Pierre Marquet
Treasurer for IUPHARTranslational Pharmacology: Briding the Gap Between Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
Dr Makhotso Lekhooa
Lecturer in Pharmacology, North West University, South Africa
Dr Makhotso LekhooaLecturer in Pharmacology, North West University, South Africa
Professor Helen KwanashieProfessor of Pharmacology, Department of Sciences, National Open University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Professor Pierre MarquetTreasurer, IUPHAR