Multidrug resistance in Cancer: Stratagem view and current challanges
Prof. Chiara Riganti,
Associate professor, MD,Department of Oncology, Torino, Italy ,Prof. Javier De Las Rivas
Full Professor, PhD,Cancer Research Center, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain -
Session description:
Dissecting the MDR with an European perspective: discovering STRATAGEM and PANDORA projects
Professor Chiara Riganti
Associate professor, MD, Department of Oncology, Torino, ItalyComputational biology for pharmacogenomics and OMICS data mining in MDR: a matter of networking
Professor Javier De Las Rivas
Full Professor, PhD, Cancer Research Center, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, SpainBiological and pharmacological underpinnings of therapeutic resistance in pancreatic cancer
Professor Elisa Giovannetti
Laboratory of Medical Oncology, Medical University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsA study within PANDORA Project: The Effects of Different Types of Calorie Restriction on miRNAs linked to Multiple Drug Resistance in Cancer
Professor Bilge Guvenc Tuna
Associate Professor, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, TurkeyEfficacy versus safety: what is most important in MDR reversing agents?
Dr Yordan Yordanov
Research associate, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University Sofia, Sofia, BulgariaNovel approaches to overcoming resistance to immune checkpoint blockade
Dr Elisabeth Pérez-Ruiz
MD, Oncology Unit, Hospital Costa del Sol, Malaga, Spain
Dr Elisabeth Pérez-RuizMD,Oncology Unit, Hospital Costa del Sol, Malaga, Spain
Dr Yordan YordanovResearch Associate, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Professor Bilge Guvenc TunaAssociate Professor, Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
Professor Chiara RigantiAssociate professor, MD,Department of Oncology, Torino, Italy
Professor Elisa GiovannettiLaboratory of Medical Oncology, Medical University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Professor Javier De Las RivasFull Professor, PhD,Cancer Research Center, University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain