Marine Natural Products Pharmacology
Guanhua Du,
Professor, Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Science & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 00050, ChinaAlejandro Mayer,
Professor, Midwestern University, College of Graduate Studies, Downers Grove, Illinois 6055, The United States of America -
Session description:
The Global Marine Pharmaceutical Pipeline in 2022
Professor Alejandro M. Mayer, Ph.D
Pharmacology Department, College of Graduate Studies, Midwestern University, USAPotential of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to regenerate the endothelial and vascular function: importance of the formulation and new developments
Professor Valérie Schini-Kerth
Professor, UMR 1260 INSERM Nanomédecine Régénérative Faculté de Pharmacie , Université de Strasbourg, FranceOral communication speaker - to be confirmed in 2023.
Marine Natural Products for the Treatment of difficult Diseases
Dr Carmen Cuevas Marchante
PharmaMar, Oncology Business Unit Spain, SpainA β-1,3/1,6-glucan from marine seaweed Durvillaea Antarctica inhibits tumor progression in vivo as an immune stimulator
Professor Chenyang Zhao
Ocean University of China, School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Qingdao, China
Dr Carmen Cuevas MarchantePharmaMar, Oncology Business Unit Spain, Madrid, Spain
Professor Alejandro M. Mayer Ph.DProfessor, Pharmacology Department, College of Graduate Studies, Midwestern University
Professor Chenyang ZhaoOcean University of China, School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Qingdao, China
Professor Valérie Schini-KerthProfessor, UMR 1260 INSERM Nanomédecine Régénérative Faculté de Pharmacie, Université de Strasbourg, 67401 Illkirch, France